So I knocked up some concepts for the Unhatched movie a while back. I showed them to Tom & Guy whom liked them very much. I told them to look them over and give me some info to continue with.

The above images were me taking a more simple cartoon approach to the character of the mother bird. I wanted to go with big eyes as they are very expressive and if i couldn't have them, there needed to be eyebrows. The below image is my taking of a more realistic approach, this is personally my favourite, however as much as tom like the image, I don't think he wanted to take it in the direction of an owl.

These were my playing with other bird species but as mentioned above, Tom wanted to keep the bird simple and stick with a more common breed, so as not to distract from the story.

In the end, tom suggested following up the Sparrow sketch, as it was simple and fitted the style he wanted to go with. He told me to look at including some colour, and Guy wanted some blues and yellows to appear in the scheme. So with this information, I can go forward with the design prosess.

Sometimes I have to take a step back and laugh at my own stupidity, I was literally at breaking point searching and finding slightly out of date tutorials for ZBrush. They were either for earlier versions of the software (which made them almost useless as the interface has changed quite a bit with this version), or the type of tutorial that doesn't really talk a beginner through the basics.
Well of course, I didn't actually occur to me check out the Pixologic website. I assumed that the producers of such a beautiful piece of software would make you subscribe and register your software and make you pay billions before they let you in on any of the softwares secrets. However, I was wrong, so, so, so wrong.
The above link proved me and all my misconceptions wrong. There are some lovely tutorials on the website, for beginners and beyond. Showing you how to use certain tools. It was a lovely eye opener to the software and talks you through the many different ways in which you can model using zbrush.
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