Whoop! Today I finished the final concepts for the Unhatched Project, I showed them to Tom & Guy and they loved them. They said the colour scheme was good and they loved the face.

I changed the face slightly, making the basic shapes to the head, eyes and beak slightly more realistic, whilst keeping the huge cartoon eyes and humanistic iris and pupil. The colours were a slight challenge, I loosely followed the scheme of a blue tit, whilst simplifying it. I also thought about making the colours lighter, brighter and more appealing to children. Tom & Guy approved and below is a shaded version. I used a purple tone shade, as it is soft and worked well with the colours. This is possibly something the guys might want to consider with the incandescence of the model.

Finally, before I can move on to Zbrushing the model for the Raven Project, I have to have a base mesh to work with, So I knocked this out in Maya. It's a really basic mesh, but I was trying to get the proportions of the limbs and body etc right before I took it into ZBrush.

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