The Eye tutorial featured on the Gnomon Website is seems to be pretty good. I can't believe I havn't seen it before. Though it takes a while, the finish is stunning and there is a depth to the model that cannot be achieved through a simple texture. Also the tutorial offers the chance of Pupil Dilation animation as the Iris is formed from a torus which can be changed in shape.

The tutorial basically takes you through creating a realistic eye using a Nurb sphere. You have to edit the sphere using Isopalms to give it the realistic bulge at the front of the eye. It then talks you through editing the materials to create a lovely wet shine to the eyeball, and using transparency mapping so that you can make the Iris torus below, visible.

As I am creating the eye for a Raven however, I had to deviate a tiny bit from the tutorial, instead looking at the formation of a birds eye. There weren't too many differences, mainly just the size and coverage of the eye by the Iris. All that had to be adjusted were the size of the torus and it's placement. I also had to adjust the transparency map, just a little.

Though It is not yet finished, I am pretty happy with the results. I am now working on a texture for the Iris, so that I may continue with the tutorial. Sneak peak below.

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