So today I started playing about with maya trying to block out some organic raven shapes. Here are some progress shots starting all the way from a cube.

Pretty Cube-ish not much to add.

Started creating some shapes by extruding and scaling the faces. Creating a basic structure for the body of the bird.

Pulling out some wings taking into consideration bird anatomy.

Working on the neck but realizing that the shape isn't organic enough. It is very frustrating working without reference and unfortunately there aren't any raven refs to be found. :s

After inserting a few more edge loops and tweaking the mesh, I decided that modeling this bird in Maya was going to be far too complicated and would look far too inorganic. There wouldn't be any bumps or notches or anything that makes us original.
It is time to consider changing software. So I shall be looking into zbrush.
Hey Andi, ring me on 07985337557