So it is indeed time for a completely overdue update on my third year. So without further delay... lets get this ball rolling.
So my pitch went well, and the feedback was mostly positive, So I am mostly happy with what I produced over the summer. However I do agree with Mike in wanting to see more concept as I myself would have loved to of produced more. However, working over the summer left me with little time and sadly my pitch suffered. Little Red Revenge was sadly not picked, and even though we had the opportunity to take our concepts further and create a 30 second short, I do not feel I could have done LRR justice with that time frame.
But not to worry, as some rather lovely pitches WERE chosen for the 3rd year films and I am excited to say I have chosen 2 projects to work on over the year. Below are the projects and my role.
EDIT: I have been asked to work briefly on another short found below.
The Raven Project: I shall be working on this short producing a photo realistic Raven model to be animated, I shall also be producing a 2D Animated introduction for the short.
Unhatched: I shall be producing character concepts for the short Unhatched.
Heroes 1.0: *NEW CHALLENGER* Kofi has asked me to produce some quick character concepts for his pint sized super hero short.
So now that that is covered... best get started! :D